Wednesday, January 24, 2007

rotten day lappie clock reads 3.47pm but i'm already feeling so tired.and i wanna blog about wat a rotten day it had been so that hopefully the rest of the day will pass peacefully, at least not as rotten.

went to the host company for our AA205 project this morning. had to attend to something so i had to cab down alone and met the rest there. and even before we could start the interview proper, the person in charge threw a bomb in our face-another NTU group had done the business process last year, exactly 2 semesters ago!!! oh my we were praying very hard that the prof would give us the ok. but when we consulted him about an hour ago, he told us it was impossible for us to do the same process again since it was clearly stated so in the requirements. and so we called up the company and they only agreed to let us shift to the quality assurance department, which according to our tutor is not a business process and so...we've got to source for a new company for the project now...and the proposal is due next friday...

this is just so irritating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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