Thursday, January 11, 2007

emptiness once again

exam results came out and i was not very disappointed but neither was i very thrilled since i didn't quite hit my own expectations.

now new semester has started. but somehow, i'm feeling an emptiness once more. and i just feel an urge to cry, for no apparent reasons. something's missing from my life and i don't seem to know wad it is tat i want.

i seem to be living a meaningless life right now: no motivation, no destination, no reasons. in case you are worried by what i just said, nope, i'm not thinking of anything stupid. i'm just feeling quite useless right now. i don't seem to have anything to work towards; i don't seem to have anything to hold on to; i don't seem to be in existence for anyone; i don't seem capable of pursueing my dreams, even though i understand that my dreams can never come true, no matter how hard i wish for it, some things just can't be changed, can they?

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