promises...should they exist?
my msn nick's personal message read: if promises are meant to be broken...then they shouldn't exist.
interestingly, when diana agreed with me, this was what i replied to her:
::爱萍:: 我们约好闯荡的那片天,我一个人向前 ~op~: but isn't tt very sad then?
::爱萍:: 我们约好闯荡的那片天,我一个人向前 ~op~: cause promises exists when there's trust
::爱萍:: 我们约好闯荡的那片天,我一个人向前 ~op~: but since promises can't be kept
::爱萍:: 我们约好闯荡的那片天,我一个人向前 ~op~: we can no longer trust the people around us
::爱萍:: 我们约好闯荡的那片天,我一个人向前 ~op~: without trust between people
::爱萍:: 我们约好闯荡的那片天,我一个人向前 ~op~: then what's left between people?
isn't it interesting that people can live for years with people they call friends and make things like promises without understanding the meaning behind them?and i feel as though i'm one of them. i complain, but how much do i understand myself? isn't everyone just trying to learn these stuff throughout their lives? if they can understand the meaning in this life, good for them; if they can't understand it, then there really isn't anything that they can do, is there?
wasn't in the best of mood just a moment ago. felt so depressed and disheartened by the thoughts i had. then when i went online to check up the blogs, i found ange's updates. my first thought was to send her a message. and when she replied me on msn, there was this warmth that really touched me.
like what they say: friendship is the only ship that never sinks. although there may be leaks at times, but it can be fixed and when it's fixed, it'll sail the seas again.
perhaps, just perhaps, i'm starting to get it.
a toast to friendship
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