Sunday, February 25, 2007

counting down...

woohoo!!!in less than 13 hours i'll be 21!! bahz. supposed to have chalet last friday. but my procrastination landed me with the decision to forgo the chalet since i couldn't prepare everything in time. BIG lesson learnt. bahz. think tml will be another boring day again since absolutely no one has asked me out tml. so sad...sighz. shall see howz ba. lucky this week is my recess week. else i wonder where got time t meet up with everyone. haha. this week already not enough time to meet up with everyone le. so many dinner t attend. hahz. anywayz. shall post on my bday tml. hahaz. looking forward to dinner at my uncle's place later. going t celebrate both our birthdays, though he's like 22 years older than me? hahz.


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