Monday, March 13, 2006

updatez on me laptop...

To all you wonderful people out there who are ever so curious as to how I'm surviving regarding my lack of luck in regards to the technology in my life, here's some good news...


hahaha. Yeah!!!! I'm so happy! I've got back my not too bad connections and my ever dearest laptop!!! And I can finally chat on msn with my roomy in our room (ok...that was a little out of point).

Haha. I spent the whole of last night doing recovery and then trying to configure some stuff here and there. Haha. Slept at 5am o_O

I'm a happy child now. Haha.

But there're a few programmes that I couldn't install back into my laptop without downloading the whole thing from the internet again


Well...can't complain. At least I've got my laptop back in action again. Haha. May still take awhile before it's working like before, but I don't mind. Hee. Who'll complain when they have their precious little gadget working once again.

Yep. Shall go continue to find the old programmes to fit it back into my laptop and hopefully it'll be just like before very soon.

p/s: Did you guys realise that I've typed the whole entry in proper English? OK, at least the spelling and capital letters area. Haha (excluding these lah...LOLZ)

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