Tuesday, March 28, 2006

countdown 2...

16 days to cs paper...

21 days to econs paper...

24 days to biz law paper...

29 days to IT paper...

31 days to accounting managment paper...

dammit.and from the last countdown till now...i've hardly done any studying. i can feel the sky falling on me...

Men Are Hard To Please

a msn conversation with anggie promted me to put this email on my blog.haha.read on...

The problems with GUYS:

If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him;
If u Don't, he says u are PROUD.

If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him;
If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG.

If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN;
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS.

If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;
If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT.

If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u;
If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?)

If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him;
If u do!! he says u are CHEAP.

If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME;
If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him.

If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him;
If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u.

If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.

If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl;

If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS.

If u HURT him, u are CRUEL;
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!!


If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true.......
but if u don't they say u are selfish.....

isn't this so very true?haha

Thursday, March 23, 2006


--原来 最疼痛的表情竟是没有情绪
原来 最残忍的画面可以甜言蜜语
我 不懂得如何更爱你

原来 最孤单的是我还是那么想你
原来 最悲哀的是我不能面对自己
你 收得干净
我也会 不留一点痕迹--

sigh...reminded of carrot...dammit.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


i feel like a total asshole...

i'm hardly getting my work done...

i'm hardly studying...

i'm not doing anything productive...

i'm just sitting around waiting for my butt to get kicked out of university...

and i think i deserve it when that day comes...

i sound like an asshole...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

there. i think i know why it never uploads my pictures. too big...


right...now i can finally upload a picture.anyway.thanks to anggie, i went on a window shopping spree. window=IE windows. haha. was looking at what charles and keith had to offer. and this caught my attention!!!
sigh. though i knoe i probably cant wear it cause of the thing around the ankle(my ankle too big, cant fit X_x ). but dont you just love this shoe? it's so pretty!!!and i simply love the colour...
and since i can finally upload pictures, lemme show you what's wrong with my laptop...

now i cant upload pix AGAIN!!!
*pissed off*

Monday, March 20, 2006

cursed technology...

dammit...i cant even upload a picture...urgh!!!!


Once again, I need to reformat my laptop. My friends has confirmed with me that it's a virus.

This makes me wonder. Why in the world is my laptop so prone to virus? There're so many laptops in the campus with wireless network and stuff.


Sunday, March 19, 2006


this one's pretty good.haha. you can try it here.

the Romantic
Test finished!
you chose BY - your Enneagram type is FOUR.

"I am unique"

Romantics have sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.
  • Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself.
  • Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.
  • Though I don't always want to be cheered up when I'm feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little.
  • Don't tell me I'm too sensitive or that I'm overreacting!

What I Like About Being a Four

  • my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level
  • my ability to establish warm connections with people
  • admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life
  • my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor
  • being unique and being seen as unique by others
  • having aesthetic sensibilities
  • being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me

What's Hard About Being a Four

  • experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair
  • feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don't deserve to be loved
  • feeling guilty when I disappoint people
  • feeling hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me
  • expecting too much from myself and life
  • fearing being abandoned
  • obsessing over resentments
  • longing for what I don't have

Fours as Children Often

  • have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original game s
  • are very sensitive
  • feel that they don't fit in
  • believe they are missing something that other people have
  • attach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, etc.
  • become antiauthoritarian or rebellious when criticized or not understood
  • feel lonely or abandoned (perhaps as a result of a death or their parents' divorce)

Fours as Parents

  • help their children become who they really are
  • support their children's creativity and originality
  • are good at helping their children get in touch with their feelings
  • are sometimes overly critical or overly protective
  • are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbed

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People
HarperSanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages


my laptop is getting on my nerves!!!!

i'm so irritated i'm surprised i haven't throw it out the window.


  1. within first 2 months of purchase, it suddenly detected a trojan despite the fact that the anti-virus prog was operating. when i brought it down to 8 flags, they tell me that it's a software problem and it's not covered under the warranty. they suggest i do a recovery on my laptop. i asked if they could do it for me and they actually told me i had to PAY them to get it done. so i brought it back to format it myself.
  2. after a few months, it's still working fine and the previous irritations were over pretty quickly. UNTIL!!! a few weeks ago when i switched on my laptop and it FREAKING tells me that there was some missing file and it's irrecoverable!!!so i brought it back down to 8 flags thinking perhaps they could help me with it. the guy told me that probably some file was deleted. BUT I DIDN'T DELETE ANYTHING ON THE PREVIOUS OCCASION WHEN I SWITCHED ON MY LAPTOP!!!so he suggested i DO A RECOVERY ON MY LAPTOP!!!i was so irritated but i thought there was no choice. i probably just had to do it again.
  3. after doing the recovery and taking one whole day to settle all the progs, was pretty satisfied that it's working again.but today!!!!when i finally switched it on, I CANT FREAKING FIND MY TOOLBAR DISPLAYING ALL MY ACTIVE PROGS!!!!WTH!!!

JUST WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING TO MY IBM LAPTOP!?!?!?!?! i'm so pissed i think i'm going to call them up tomorrow and scream at whoever's on the phone!!! they better give me a good explanation why my laptop is giving me SO MUCH PROBLEMS!!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006


31 Days...CS...

36 Days...Econs...

39 Days...Biz Law...

44 Days...IT...

46 Days...Acc 2...


why am i counting down instead of studying...


Oh my goodnes...

31 days to my first paper.

And I haven't started studying...


updatez on me laptop...

To all you wonderful people out there who are ever so curious as to how I'm surviving regarding my lack of luck in regards to the technology in my life, here's some good news...


hahaha. Yeah!!!! I'm so happy! I've got back my not too bad connections and my ever dearest laptop!!! And I can finally chat on msn with my roomy in our room (ok...that was a little out of point).

Haha. I spent the whole of last night doing recovery and then trying to configure some stuff here and there. Haha. Slept at 5am o_O

I'm a happy child now. Haha.

But there're a few programmes that I couldn't install back into my laptop without downloading the whole thing from the internet again


Well...can't complain. At least I've got my laptop back in action again. Haha. May still take awhile before it's working like before, but I don't mind. Hee. Who'll complain when they have their precious little gadget working once again.

Yep. Shall go continue to find the old programmes to fit it back into my laptop and hopefully it'll be just like before very soon.

p/s: Did you guys realise that I've typed the whole entry in proper English? OK, at least the spelling and capital letters area. Haha (excluding these lah...LOLZ)

Saturday, March 11, 2006


aren't there times when you just feel so much like a bitch?

me being someone who is usually stuck in her own little world often finds it hard to know many people. and so, i'm really grateful to whatever force that brings my wonderful friends to me. cause these friends that i have, they are often out-going and stuff. you can even consider them as being high-profiled.

but at times, i do feel uncomfortable about it.

consider this. you are walking down the corridor in the school with a group of such high-profiled friends. every other step you take, one of them or a few of them will meet someone they know. and you probably just hang around somewhere at the back looking as though you are just someone else who happens to be there.

2 internal bitches will usually wake up at these situations.

Bitch #1: I've seen this person before, why doesn't he/she say hi to me?
Bitch #2: why don't my friends care if I'm feeling left out?

sometimes i feel like Ronald Weaseley hanging around Harry Potter...

sometimes i feel i'm such a bitch...

p/s: dear friends, don't worry. no hard feelings. i'm just randomly bitching as usual. i'm glad you people have alot of friends. so when i need help, i just need to ask you and you'll have to help me find the right people. haha. and i'm going to start doing that very soon cause of my hall orientation camp. -evil grin-


i just logged onto msn using the extremely slow pc at home. and i remembered i had some real cute emoticons that i wanna have for the msn on my laptop.

just as i was bout to ask my friend to help me safe up all these emoticons and send it back t me when my lappie is back in use...

i realise my lappie's msn emoticons are all going to be gone.


Friday, March 10, 2006

counting down...35 days...

anyway, i just realised, to my horror (another horror...my life seems to be so filled with horrible realisations...), my first paper starts in 35 days.


time to 发奋图强...

p/s: not 发 '粪' '涂' '墙' ok? =p

Just how S.T.U.P.I.D can a person get?

i'm the stupidest person i can think of right now.

my laptop is not working. so i have to do a recovery on it. so i waited the entire week so that i could bring it home and back up the files on a disc before i carry on to wipe everything off my lappie's hard disc.

when i was walking from the serangoon mrt station to the bus interchange, i realised, to my horror, that i forgot to bring the recovery discs back from hall -_-

can someone please do something about me? i fear some day i might just forget where i left myself...

stupid me...

i feel so stupid...

mr carrot out of the blue talked to me on msn today. and i got such a shock. coz eunice made fun of me about him just before he messaged me on msn.

actually...i should have guessed.

he wanted me t help him do english essay -.-

yep.and silly me. i actually AGREED to help him...

and i had to skip the interhall games thank you dinner...

and i spent the entire evening doing it for him...

and i asked my roomy t pack dinner for me...

and i still can't believe i actually AGREED to help him do his essay...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

damned laptop...

i'm pissed...first my blog died on me. now it's my laptop!!!

is it my eight characters at birth clash with modern technology?
even my computer at home(which i'm using now)is freaking slow and doesn't print e stuff i want...

gosh...second time i need t reformat my freaking lappie. e other time i ganna virus. this time some file's mysteriously deleted.and thus i cant open my previous lappie configured settings. means i cant go online cant this cant that. I'M SO F***ING PISSED!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

johari nohari...haha.just keeping up with e trend!

lalala. i'm supposed t post stuff on my birthday celebrations.haha.but there's so much stuff to say. so i'll take awhile more. heehee. please forgive me! haha. promise to post it soon. hee. in the meantime, you could do me a favor by doing these for me!!!


