I'm Back!!!
Wahaha. Not that I've been away for long, just that I haven't been updating my blog since forever. Hee. And I realise I've procrastinated for sooooooooooooooooooo long that I've got photos from a few years back to share. Haha. Well, maybe I'll just skip the old photos (maybe just randomly place them here when I feel like it. Hee) and share my latest trip to Perth.
Basically, on the first day, we woke up bright and early to go to the airport and took half a day to arrive at Perth by flight. By the time we checked in and went out for dinner, it was already past 5pm, and the shops were mostly closed for the day as it always is in Australia. And there's hardly any interesting TV to watch!!! We ended the trip getting addicted to Discovery Channel, especially Dirty Jobs, don't ask me why but I just love that show. Haha.
Anyway, the next day saw us rising bright and early. Somehow, the sky was already bright before 6am!!! And there's a time difference of 1hour, meaning that I've woken up at 5am (Singapore time) for 2 consecutive days!!! zzzzzzzzzzz
Day 2 was one of the most enjoyable days. We went to the Caversham Wildlife Park where there were animals and blue sky.

After that, we headed for a chocolate factory where the chocolates were all handmade. Was busy tasting the yummy chocolates so didn't take pictures there. Hee. We then moved on to a nearby winery. The scenery there was great! took alot of pictures there. It's turning summer when we were there so this tree bearing purple flowers was blossoming everywhere we went, just so pretty!

But didn't get a chance to get near them.
Finally, we arrived at Springhill Farm where we were to stay the night. There was supposed to be some farm activities in the afternoon when we arrived but it started to drizzle and it just wouldn't stop. So we couldn't do much but hand around near the bunks. This was a real working farm and it's about a tenth the size of Singapore, though it's only considered average sized! And it's a family-runned farm with only 5 working adults on the farm! I wonder how they manage that~~~

There were some animals in front of our bunk and
they were our main entertainment there...
And there's Ollie!!! I love the dog! It's so cute!
When we were there it started to running around as if it wanted to play with us.
It pounced onto me and tried to lick my face when I tried to pat it!!!
Basically, being outback means there's no street lights and when it's night time, it's all dark out there. AND YOU CAN SEE THE STARS!!! It's so clear you can really tell where's the milky way!
Phew! I'm tired from typing and collaging all that photos. I'll carry on another time about the rest of the trip, including our freezing 'adventure' waiting for the sun rise. Till then!