Thursday, March 29, 2007


是我對人的要求太高了嗎? 有時覺得自己好像太自我為中心了...

可能有些時候要求別人做到的,就連自己也做不到吧. 那我又憑甚麼要求別人做到呢?

但是, 有時想要別人達到自己的要求, 那很難嗎?



Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I don't feel well...I think it's impending stomach

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Heard this song recently on the radio and I really liked it. The music was composed by David Tao and it's sung by his ex-lover Melody. How apt...

坐在这角落 心里很多话想说
我和你的错 就是舍不得放手

深爱你的我 早就应该让你自由
知道我以后 需要一直往前走

也许是越在乎 越会彼此地伤害
这样的爱情 又算是什么

爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来

有时候 对爱有太深太多依赖
好像已失去在这世界 还能够 孤单地自由

是曾经有的梦 现在只剩一场空
心里好多疑问 你忘了你的承诺

笑我自己没有用 眼泪无言地流下来
始终还是要面对 这段感情的伤痛

是因为越在乎 给彼此伤害更多
有了距离以后 看到不同的你和我

爱不在 慢慢让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来

有时候 对你还是会有关怀
可是心里已经太明白 不是爱 不是爱

爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来

有时候 不管对爱有多少的依赖
就算再不愿意在伤心 我明白 我们只能放手


Sunday, March 25, 2007


oh man...i'm such an insensitive pig. i'm such an unworthy friend. i hate it when i know i have to say something but at the same time i've no idea what to say.

對不起, 有時覺得交到像我這樣的朋友, 你們還真倒楣阿...


Saturday, March 24, 2007


有時候, 一段感情可以維持很長的時間, 真的是因為兩人都深愛著對方嗎? 還是只因為兩人都是固執的相信自己的那段感情是經得起考驗的?所以無論發生甚麼,他們都會鎮守著那段感情,即使他們已不再愛著對方.




Sunday, March 18, 2007

silence needed

aren't there times when you really can't tolerate the noise around you? there may be great sounds around, sounds like music and cheering and laughter. but more often than not, you hear things you don't wanna listen to. things that drive you nuts and you just hope they'll go away.

then i'll remember how i used to play in the pool.

i'd dive all the way down and sit at the bottom of the pool and hold my breath there. drowning out all other noises, entering a world where i find peace. where i feel as though i really belong there.

a world where there's only my own thoughts...and my heartbeat.

when there's no audience in my life theatre, i can only cheer louder on my own to carry on the show.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

random random


i really wanted t rant, but i dint want anyone to know. so i decided to jumble up my words. so this is basically just a random rubbish post.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


你看到我的笑容, 你聽到我的笑聲. 但你是否看到藏在眼里的落寞、收在心里的傷感.

我不曾愛過, 可我對愛情早已沒了信心. 我身邊有著很多朋友, 可我總是免不了感到一點點的落寞.

有些事情, 表面看起來很圓滿, 可是又有誰能保證暴風雨不會來呢? 畢竟, 該發生的總是會發生. 人總該為自己的行為負責, 不是嗎? 不是說過, 做錯了, 就得為過錯負責嗎? 除非他不算錯...那難道是我們的錯嗎? 因為, 到頭來, 傷得最深的還是我們. 那我應該狠他嗎? 狠他, 有用嗎? 但我的人生從此該怎麼辦? 這21年來, 我遵守著的道理, 還能相信嗎?

當生命里的典範一個個在面前瓦解時, 你是否也會突然覺得很迷茫? 還是因為我太幼稚、太不獨立了呢?

What happens when all the principles you've been living by have been lies? What happens when you can no longer recognise the people you look up to? What do you do in the face of betrayal?

a lone figure in the sunset

...let the picture do the talking...

Sunday, March 11, 2007


曾經, 我相信愛情.
曾經, 我相信真愛.
曾經, 我相信婚姻.
曾經, 我相信天長地久.

現在, 我都不信了.

愛情, 只是短暫的.
真愛, 根本不純在.
婚姻, 只是一張紙.


Thursday, March 08, 2007


my birthday celebrations ended with a bang yesterday. was really happy, will blog about my entire celebrations later when i have the time. but meanwhile, i'm not really in the mood to blog about the happy times i had in the past week.

somehow, i just feel kinda down. feeling lonely and lost all of a sudden. you know that kinda feeling where it's as though you're not needed. and no matter where you are, no matter how many people there are around you, you just feel lonely. it's not supposed to be this way la. i just spent a wonderful week surrounded by friends and family so why in the world am i feeling this way?

sigh. maybe it's the realisation that there are alot of stuff which are out of my control? and somehow i'm not doing enough and not trying hard enough. somehow, it's just the realisation that even with an idea of what i want to do, somehow things may not be what i want it to be.

somehow i just feel so useless.