Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I don't know why, but been feeling kinda moody recently. Perhaps it's my periodical 'down time'.

Been thinking about stuff like...why people don't seem to treasure what they have until they lose it...

But then again...while waiting for someone you like...where is the limit? How long is enough? When do you stop waiting for the person you like to return the feelings? When is the difference between 癡情, 專情 & 自作多情?

如果生命真的只剩一秒, 我應該會有很多遺憾吧...

Saturday, January 05, 2008


yes yes yes. it's been ages since I last did the following:

  1. continue updating my perth trip
  2. update my story
  3. write a song
  4. played bball
  5. read a book
  6. went shopping
  7. finish packing my room(which resembles a war zone right now)
sigh...the works of procrastination. and the temptations from online videos!!!

maybe i should get the stuff done gradually...BUT SCHOOL'S STARTING THIS MONDAY!!!!

another day before school reopens and i failed to get 2 electives...needing another freaking elective to clear my AUs...disgusting...

bacj to my tv program...sigh...procrastination...

Friday, January 04, 2008


最近沒甚麼作, 所以多點時間去想一些平常沒深入去想的事.

不知怎麼地, 忽然覺得人性好丑陋. 發現有好多人可以為了自己的利益而作出傷害別人的事.


不是每件事都有絕對的對與錯, 人們又何必如此否定別人的意見呢?

人, 可以為了達到目的而處心積慮地設計別人.

多恐怖的世界啊! 突然好懷念小時候的單純...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


first and foremost...i feel like i wanna die!!! besides the time when i was ambulanced to hospital...this is the worst pain i've experienced...

went to remove a wisdom tooth today. even when the doctor was stitching me up i was starting to feel the pain already. and now, after i changed the gauze, it's hurting even worse. WTH!!!!!!!!


sigh. before the pain started, i was at queensway changing the grip for the 2 rackets my aunt gave me. while waiting for Tian i was thinking and thinking and thinking about some stuff. then this phrase came to me...

心跳的頻率, 是愛的指引嗎?

then along the way home on the long long bus ride ( totally miss taking a long bus ride), i started to think about alot of stuff. the past and present, and even dared to venture alittle into the future.

but then again, after the carrot incident, i seriously dun dare to imagine futures and feelings anymore. in a way, I'm starting to fear 'maybe's.

oh well...back to trying to get over the my mouth la!