Monday, December 04, 2006

post exams

bahz.exams were finally over last monday.haha.but i've been lazy to blog -grinz- a runny nose/blocked nose/sorethroat/cough/etc since around thursday i think.thanks t my brothers...and i'm supposed t go out tml!and wed gg clubbing and friday GOING JAPAN!!!!hope my nose will heal up soon :s

anyway.finally finished watching bleach.ok la.not finished as in 'finished'. but i've already watched up till what ever has been uploaded.just started on inuyasha.and maybe i'll watch goong too.haha.abit slow but...better than never.

oh man.i think i better go sleep soon.quite tired from blowing my nose the whole day.haha.lame excuse.but...ya.and i must remember to update the story.else ange and eunice will corner me when i get back in sg.lolz.


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