Monday, August 14, 2006

carrot...number 2?

well, been ages since i last updated my blog. had hall foc the week before and school started last week.

nothing much really happened last week. just the usual stuff about getting back to school and meeting some new people.

in fact, i didn't really meet alot o new people.

i hardly knew anyone.

anyway.during hall foc, kinda got to know this guy.actually, i knew him from before.but i got to know him better during camp.then again, i didn't really get to know him during camp. it was seniors camp.

hmmm.actually it's been ages since i met a guy who set my heart racing.

the last guy was carrot.

after him, my heart kinda lost its ability to race for any guy.

then after more then a year, this guy comes along, and my heart is starting to race again.


i hate this...

but the whole feeling i'm getting from this is that, it's gonna be a re-enaction of what happened between me and carrot.

and somehow, i think it's true.

and i guess i can come to the conclusion that: i've once again regained my heart---the over-sensitive one that races for the wrong reasons.

coming to think of it. i'm also afraid.

i really don't want to go through another carrot experience.

the heartache sucks.i hate it.

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