Monday, June 30, 2008

Alrighty! Since Anggie has complaint of my blog turning rusty, I've decided to post something up in the midst of my very very extremely BORING life. Haha.

What I'm supposed to be doing but am NOT:

  • finding a job
  • making more accessories for sales online
  • arranging photo albums dating from 2003
  • packing my room
  • forgetting my medicine
What I AM doing:
  • cooking in the stead of my grandma(at least till 15th July)
  • reading lots and lots of Chinese library books
  • watching the last season of Grey's Anatomy
This doesn't bode well does it? In fact, I think it sounds freaking bad. Sigh...

-goes back to rotting-

Friday, June 06, 2008


oh gosh. the results for my last examination is finally out! and...I PASSED ALL THE MODULES!!!

oh gosh~~~since my last paper ended i have been so worried that i was going to fail something. and when i finally saw the grades for my last 4 modules i was so happy!!!!


but that means i have to find a job asap and put in more effort in finding it...